INDUSTRY BRIEF space - 2021
As part of my BA course, industry professionals came in to give us a brief and we had to pitch our ideas a week later. Gary Parselle from The Private Press instructed us to create a set of screen-print proposals using one of his chosen themes; I chose space. I was inspired by 1920/30s Japanese posters in their expression of colour and bold shapes. I wanted to depict three different kinds of space - the space we think of when we look at the stars; physical space; and the space we can travel across in meditation with our astral bodies. Below is the triptych I put forward. I won the pitch and, as a result, Gary printed a run of his favourite of the three. We worked together to discuss paper and ink choices and under usual circumstances we would have printed these together, however, due to covid, we were unable to do so.
The three digital images pitched.
The final, screen-printed print.
The paper used was G.F.Smith’s Gmund Bier in Weizen - made using elemental chlorine-free pulp and spent brewer's grain.
Catch the print in the light and you’ll see a starry sheen. We decided to mix silver into the black ink so it’s less harsh with warmth of the paper and more ethereal.